After I reprinted a recent e-mail from the Almighty, I was asked by a reader to find out what God's opinion was of atheists, agnostics, and witches. I wrote Him a couple of weeks ago (yes, it turns out that God is male, after all), but just received a response earlier today. The Supreme Being's reply:
"Hi Mike; sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I was on Spring break at one of our most luxurious Heavenly vacation spots: the Celestial Resort and Spa in East Paradise. Frank Sinatra was performing. I love this guy; he's mellowed a lot since coming to heaven. As Ray Charles said to me at intermission: "He's not nearly the prick he was on Earth." By the way, Brother Ray can see now. 20/20. It was the least I could do for him, once he got here. Hell, I'm not sure why I blinded him in the first place. That's the problem with being an all-powerful deity. Sometimes you just do things because you can. Let's face it, humans get the shaft when I'm moody."
"You asked about my views of atheists, agnostics, and witches. Well, of course, atheists annoy me. How would YOU feel if someone denied your existence? It's their arrogance that really rankles. How can they be so sure they're right -- especially when they're so wrong? The fact that a garden slug can't imagine the existence of Major League Baseball doesn't mean that the Major Leagues aren't real. Give me a break! We've got a few atheists up here, and you should see their faces when I show up at the orientation session, dressed in my full, flowing-white-robe regalia. They just about poop their pants! A few of them apologize to me later, but most are too embarrassed."
"Agnostics? I love 'em. They're the most open-minded group we have in heaven. A pleasure to work with. When they get here they come right up and give me a firm handshake at orientation. And they're very involved in the organized activities we offer. The last three Presidents of the Deity Debate Club have been agnostics. I guess I like them so much because they really try to use the brains I created for people. Do you realize how long it took me to perfect the human brain? Almost two years, AND I was working weekends! To go to all that trouble and then see so many individuals use virtually none of the neurons I gave them is very disappointing. It's like having the keys to a Lexus but choosing to drive a Yugo instead. A damn shame. I always figured that humans would WANT to think. But I guess the upside is that we'll always have fans for professional wrestling."
"Not sure what to say about witches. I'll be honest; I don't like competing with women for power. Never have. It makes me nervous. I'm not proud saying that, but it's true. However, I'm NOT taking the blame for those Salem witch trials. That had nothing to do with me. We've got a lot of witches up here, and most of them are OK. They're always running for elective office; two-thirds of the Heavenly Council is composed of witches."
"Time to go. I'm taking a guitar class with Jimi Hendrix, and if you're late he won't let you in the door. By the way, the Council is considering making 'Purple Haze' the Official Song of the Heavenly Afterlife. What do you think? Ciao! -- Big G"
After I reprinted a recent e-mail from the Almighty, I was asked by a reader to find out what God's opinion was of atheists, agnostics, and witches. I wrote Him a couple of weeks ago (yes, it turns out that God is male, after all), but just received a response earlier today. The Supreme Being's reply:
"Hi Mike; sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I was on Spring break at one of our most luxurious Heavenly vacation spots: the Celestial Resort and Spa in East Paradise. Frank Sinatra was performing. I love this guy; he's mellowed a lot since coming to heaven. As Ray Charles said to me at intermission: "He's not nearly the prick he was on Earth." By the way, Brother Ray can see now. 20/20. It was the least I could do for him, once he got here. Hell, I'm not sure why I blinded him in the first place. That's the problem with being an all-powerful deity. Sometimes you just do things because you can. Let's face it, humans get the shaft when I'm moody."
"You asked about my views of atheists, agnostics, and witches. Well, of course, atheists annoy me. How would YOU feel if someone denied your existence? It's their arrogance that really rankles. How can they be so sure they're right -- especially when they're so wrong? The fact that a garden slug can't imagine the existence of Major League Baseball doesn't mean that the Major Leagues aren't real. Give me a break! We've got a few atheists up here, and you should see their faces when I show up at the orientation session, dressed in my full, flowing-white-robe regalia. They just about poop their pants! A few of them apologize to me later, but most are too embarrassed."
"Agnostics? I love 'em. They're the most open-minded group we have in heaven. A pleasure to work with. When they get here they come right up and give me a firm handshake at orientation. And they're very involved in the organized activities we offer. The last three Presidents of the Deity Debate Club have been agnostics. I guess I like them so much because they really try to use the brains I created for people. Do you realize how long it took me to perfect the human brain? Almost two years, AND I was working weekends! To go to all that trouble and then see so many individuals use virtually none of the neurons I gave them is very disappointing. It's like having the keys to a Lexus but choosing to drive a Yugo instead. A damn shame. I always figured that humans would WANT to think. But I guess the upside is that we'll always have fans for professional wrestling."
"Not sure what to say about witches. I'll be honest; I don't like competing with women for power. Never have. It makes me nervous. I'm not proud saying that, but it's true. However, I'm NOT taking the blame for those Salem witch trials. That had nothing to do with me. We've got a lot of witches up here, and most of them are OK. They're always running for elective office; two-thirds of the Heavenly Council is composed of witches."
"Time to go. I'm taking a guitar class with Jimi Hendrix, and if you're late he won't let you in the door. By the way, the Council is considering making 'Purple Haze' the Official Song of the Heavenly Afterlife. What do you think? Ciao! -- Big G"