
I grin, therefore I am.

Sunday, January 21, 2007



After the Indianapolis Colts defeated the New England Patriots in Sunday night's AFC championship game, both the owner and the coach of the Colts thanked God for the victory. In a statement just released by the Vatican, Papal representative Emilio Soupansanwichio announced that God had actually been rooting for the Patriots, but had fallen asleep after New England took a commanding 21-3 lead in the first half. By the time God awakened, the game was over.

"God wishes to apologize publicly to the Patriots and their fans for this unfortunate incident," Soupansanwichio said. "In reality, God can't stand the Colts, who abandoned their fans in Baltimore many years ago. But God was exhausted today, having stayed up for 48 consecutive hours earlier in the week helping Toby O'Malley, a high school senior from Topeka, Kansas, obtain a perfect score of 800 on the verbal section of the SAT. God may be all-powerful and all-knowing, but He still gets sleepy like the rest of us."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was wondering what happened! i actually was watching this game...and thought something divinely fishy was going on. thanks, daddy, for clearing that up.

10:35 AM  

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